
Bedfield CE Primary School is a one-form entry primary school for children aged 4 to 11 years.

The standard admission number is 8 pupils per year group.

Children can attend school on a full time basis from the beginning of the academic year in which they turn five.

The admissions team at Suffolk County Council manages the school's admissions into Reception. Please use the link below for the admissions criteria.

Admissions to Reception

During the academic year in which a child turns four, parents are invited to apply for a primary school place via the Suffolk County Council online application system (please see link below).

This normally opens mid-November and closes mid-January for each year. All applications are dealt with by the Suffolk County Council, using the admissions criteria on their website.

In-year Admissions

We accept in year transfers and welcome you to come along for a visit; meet the staff and children to help decide if Bedfield is the right school for your child or children.

ADM1 Form 2023-2024

Admissions policies for this year and next year can be found below.
As we are a Church School you can use a SIF form to add to your application if you attend Church regularly


Admissions Policy 23/24

Admissions Policy 24/25

Admissions Policy 25/26

Supplementary information form

Visits and information

If you wish to visit the school, or find out more about applying for a place at the school, then please contact Mrs Holland in the office; 01728 628306


Please use the link below for the Suffolk County Councils Admissions website:

Suffolk County Council Admissions

Telephone Suffolk County Council Admissions: 0345 600 0981