
School uniform is available to purchase for delivery direct to the school please follow the link at the bottom of the page.

The school's colour is Royal Blue.

Children may wear jumpers, cardigans, polo shirts and PE t-shirts with the school emblem on although this is not essential as we acknowledge that these clothing items may be purchased without the emblem more cheaply elsewhere. Uniform items with the Bedfield emblem can be purchased online from Brigade (see below).  Uniform prices from Brigade are competitive and we make efforts to check that our suppliers offer value for money.


Please contact us if you would like second-hand uniform.  We often have good quality second-hand uniform items in school ready to be given out on request.  If you have good quality uniform that your child has grown out of, then we welcome donations that can be passed onto other families.


If your child is eligible for free school meals, you are welcome to contact us to find out if we can help with the cost of school uniform.  

School Uniform is available to purchase online direct with Brigade Clothing Limited.


Please select Bedfield Primary School

Orders will be processed on a first come first served basis.


Occasionally we have dress down days, these are typically as rewards for the house points won in a term.  We also have dressing up days for special events such as World Book Day and other charity events.  

We do ask that all school uniform is clearly marked with your child's name, found items will normally be put into the school lost property box and children are encouraged to check there for missing items.  We also ask that PE kit is always in school, sometimes we change the timetable to enable sports practice ahead of competitions, it is also useful as a change of clothes should accidents occur.


Uniform Policy

Order school uniform using the link below:

School Uniform Supplier